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More about Greenhouse Gases
One of the things that is predominately the result of human activity is the gradual heating of the Earth, much like how the more layers of clothing you put on, the warmer you become. Instead of clothing, the gradual heating of the Earth comes to form a group of gasses called greenhouse gasses, and I know you might be thinking, what do the gasses have to do with greenhouses? A greenhouse is a glass building used to grow plants all year and uses the sun’s light energy to make the environment warm all year long for plants. Climate change, also called the greenhouse effect, uses the same idea on a bigger scale. The greenhouse gasses, which include carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor, create a barrier around Earth, much like the glass in the greenhouse, trapping the sun's heat, which causes the Earth to gradually heat up, much like how the greenhouse traps the heat to stay warm.
Causes of Climate Change
The causes of climate change can be natural or human-caused.
On the natural side, natural cycles, such as the Milankovitch cycles, add to climate change. Though these cycles affect the climate, they have a minimal effect on climate change.
However, the predominant cause of climate change is human activity. For decades now, humans have been using gas-powered cars to get from one location to the next. The burning of these gasses, known as fossil fuels, has emitted gigantic amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. With over 7 million people on Earth, just imagine how much carbon dioxide is emitted every day.
Another way humans add to climate change is to believe or not their waste, specifically food waste. The food waste created by humans ends up rotting and creates methane, a greenhouse gas, which adds to the carbon emotions caused by cars and even electricity. Any dairy or beef contributes a lot to climate change. The animal used for these products is the cow, and the cow emits a lot of methane into the environment. You might be thinking about how, and I am just about to answer your question. When cows eat grass, their stomachs provide a lot of extra gas, known as methane. This gas is removed in two ways, burps, and farts. These ordinary things emit methane into the environment, similar to how food waste emits methane.
Another thing that is causing toxic gases in the air and ocean is fast fashion. There are just a couple of ways humans contribute to climate change, but there are many more.
What is Climate?
Before we discuss what climate change is, let’s talk about climate. Climate is the usual weather of a place over a long period (30 years +). Climate is a routine and mostly predictable. Much like how I have a routine when I wake up. Hearing the alarm, then saying five more minutes, then repeating it until I see that I have five minutes before I have to leave. Now that you know what climate is, it is time to talk about climate change and why our climate is changing ... and it is for the worst
What is Climate Change
Climate Change
Climate change is the change in the weather patterns. It means summer is hotter and longer, winter is colder and longer and there is no rain. This change takes place over years and years. What is concerning about climate change is not that it is changing - it is changing very very rapidly. With changing climate and changing weather patterns we are unable to sustain our way of life and it can mean that we may become EXTINCT!
Greenhouse Effect & Climate Change
There are many natural causes of climate change and they always have been occurring but since the late 1800's human activity has caused a huge change in the climate and it had made living conditions worst for all living organisms.
GreenHouse Effect
What causes Climate Change
Climate Change and Oceans
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