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Small Change Big Impact
Shut Lightbulbs
When you leave the lights on, though it may seem like a small thing, it has a big impact on the environment. In a year, one lightbulb produces over 4,500 pounds of CO2. With over 8 million lightbulbs in use around the world, just imagine how much CO2 is being emitted when they are on! With 90% of this CO2 going into the ocean, the ocean becomes warmer and the marine life experiences a lot of change. Though it may be a small task, please turn off your lightbulbs when not needed, because a small change can have big impact.
Turn off as many lightbulbs as possible. The more you turn off the better. The lightbulbs will appear anywhere on the screen. To turn them off you must click on them. You have 20 seconds to turn off at least 10 lightbulbs to win.
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